A Guide To Posting On The Fediverse

July 02 2020 09:12:10.

I always get these wrong. So I made a flowchart.

                 by @pxi@bsd.network

          |                                | 
          | Is the post safe for children? | 
          |                                | 
                    |            |
+-----------+       |            |      +-----------+
|           |       |            |      |           |
|    YES    |<------+            +----->|    NO     |
|           |                           |           |
+-----+-----+                           +-----+-----+
      |                                       |
      v                                       v
+-----+-----------------+               +-----+-----+
|                       |               |           |
| Is the post intended  +<--------------+  USE CW   |
| for the entire world? |               |           |
|                       |               +-----------+
      |           |
      v           |
+-----+-----+     |                     +-----------+
|           |     |                     |           |
|    YES    |     +-------------------->+    NO     |
|           |                           |           |
+-----+-----+                           +-----+-----+
      |                                       |
      v                                       v
+-----+---------+    +------------------------+-----+
|               |    |                              |
| Set your post |    |  Is the post intended for    |
|   to PUBLIC   |    |   your followers but not     |
|               |    |    necessarily private?      |
+--+------------+    |                              |
   |                 +---+--------------------+-----+
   |                     |                    |
   |                     v                    v
   |                 +---+-------+      +-----+-----+
   |                 |           |      |           |
   |                 |    YES    |      |    NO     |
   |                 |           |      |           |
   |                 +---+-------+      +-----+-----+
   |                     |                    |
   |                     v                    v
   |    +----------------+--+  +--------------+-----+
   |    |                   |  |                    |
   |    |  Limit your post  |  |  Set your post to  |
   |    |    to UNLISTED    |  |   FOLLOWERS-ONLY   |
   |    |                   |  |                    |
   |    +-----------+-------+  +----------------+---+
   |                |                           |
   |                v                           |
   |           +----+-------------------+       |
   |           |                        |       |
   |           | Are you OK with people |       |
   +---------->+  from other instances  +<------+
               |   seeing your post?    |
               |                        |
+-+---------+         |       |         +-----------+
|           |         |       |         |           |
|    YES    +<--------+       +-------->+    NO     |
|           |                           |           |
+-----+-----+                           +-----+-----+
      |                                       |
      |                                       v
      |                       +---------------+-----+
      |                       |                     |
      |                       |  Set your post to   |
      |                       |     LOCAL-ONLY      |
      |                       |                     |
      |                       +------------------+--+
      |                                          |
      |                                          |
      |  +---------------------------------+     |
      |  |                                 |     |
      +->|  Does your post have an image?  |<----+
         |                                 |
+-----------+         |       |         +-----------+
|           |         |       |         |           |
|    YES    +<--------+       +-------->+    NO     |
|           |                           |           |
+-----+-----+                           +-----+-----+
      |                                       |
      v                                       |
+-----+-----------------------+               |
|                             |               |
|  Add a vivid description    |               |
|  for the visually impaired  |               |
|                             |               |
+-----+-----------------------+               |
      |                                       |
      v                                       |
+-----+-----------------------+               |
|                             |               |
|   Could it be considered    |               |
|    offensive by anyone?     |               |
|                             |               |
+-----+-----------------+-----+               |
      |                 |                     |
      v                 v                     |
+-----+-----+     +-----+-----+               |
|           |     |           |               |
|    YES    |     |    NO     +----+          |
|           |     |           |    |          |
+-----+-----+     +-----+-----+    |          |
      |                            |          |
      v                            |          |
+-----+-----------------------+    |          |
|                             |    |          |
|   MARK MEDIA AS SENSITIVE   |    |          |
|                             |    |          |
+-----+-----------------------+    |          |
      |                            |          |
      |                            v          |
      |        +-------------------+-+        |
      |        |                     |        |
      +------->|        POST         +<-------+
               |                     |

Here is a sideways version for people with wide screens.

A GUIDE TO POSTING ON THE FEDIVERSE              +-----------+      +------------------------+       +-----------+    +--------------+                                                                 +--------------------------+       +-----------+   +-------------------------------+       +-----------+   +---------------------+        +-----------+    +-------------------------+
                                                 |           |      |  Is the post intended  +------>+           |    |   Set your   |                                                                 |  Are you OK with people  +------>+           |   |                               +------>+           |   |  Add a description  |   +--->+           |    |                         |
                                              +->|    YES    +----->+        for the         |       |    YES    +--->+   post to    +---------------------------------------------------------------->+  from other instances    |       |    YES    +---+ Does your post have an image? |       |    YES    +---+         for the     |   |    |    YES    +--->+ MARK MEDIA AS SENSITIVE |
    +--------------------------------+        |  |           |      |      entire world?     +---+   |           |    |    PUBLIC    |                                                            +--->+  seeing your post?       +---+   |           |   |                               +---+   |           |   |  visually impaired  |   |    |           |    |                         |
    |           START:               +--------+  +-----------+      +---------------+--------+   |   +-----------+    +--------------+       +---------+    +--------------------------------+    |    |                          |   |   +-----------+   +---------------+---------------+   |   +-----------+   +--------------+------+   |    +-----------+    +-------------+-----------+
    |      Is your post safe         |                                              ^            |                                      +--->+   YES   +--->+   Limit your post to UNLISTED  +---+     +-----+--------------------+   |                                   ^                   |                                  |          |                                   |
    |        for children?           |                                              |            |                                      |    +---------+    +--------------------------------+               ^                        |                                   |                   |                                  v          |        +-----------+              |
    |                                |                                              |            |                                      |                                                                    |                        |                                   |                   |                   +--------------+----------+---+    |           |              v
    |                                +--------+  +-----------+      +------------+  |            |   +-----------+    +-----------------+----------+                                                         |                        |   +-----------+    +--------------+--------------+    |   +-----------+   | Could it be considered      |    |    NO     |    +---------+----------+
    +--------------------------------+        |  |           |      |    USE     |  |            |   |           |    |   Is the post intended for |    +---------+    +---------------------------------+   |                        |   |           |    |                             |    |   |           |   |  offensive by anyone?       +--->+           +--->+                    |
                                              +->|    NO     +----->+  CONTENT   +--+            +-->+    NO     +--->+   your followers but not   +--->+   NO    +--->+ Set your post to FOLLOWERS-ONLY +---+                        +-->+    NO     +--->+ Set your post to LOCAL-ONLY |    +-->+    NO     |   +-----------------------------+    +-----------+    |        POST        |
                                                 |           |      |  WARNING   |                   |           |    |   necessarily private?     |    +---------+    +---------------------------------+                                |           |    |                             |        |           +------------------------------------------------------>+                    |
by @pxi@bsd.network                              +-----------+      +------------+                   +-----------+    +----------------------------+                                                                                      +-----------+    +-----------------------------+        +-----------+                                                       +--------------------+

Change Master To Main In Git

July 02 2020 09:12:10.

How to change your main branch from master to main.

$ git branch -m master main
$ git push -u origin main
$ sed -i -e 's/master/main/g' .git/config

It's a hot topic, so here is my take... Verbal communication is our artifact made to suit our needs. It is ours. So change it! Make it better! Commit your changes to main, and always leave a very thorough commit message about why. (For the slow blokes like me)

Evil Things To Do On The Command Line

July 02 2020 09:12:10.

Here is a evergrowing list of downright evil things you can do on a command line.

  • :(){ :|:& };: - Fork bomb
  • find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/;/;/g' {} \; - Greek questionmark substitution
  • echo -e "\nalias yes='yes no';" >> ~/.bashrc - yes(0) per no alias

Quote Collection

July 02 2020 09:12:10.

This is a place to store quotes I've found and think are interesting.

I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in human evolution. We became too self aware; nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, a secretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody’s nobody. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

Rustin Spencer Cohle, fictional character from True Detective.